The Way It Should Be
Mark and I watched a documentary ordered from Netflix yesterday. It was one of the movies we'd had since a few weeks before Christmas and hadn't had time to watch. Little did I know that this film would keep me from writing a proper RANT on this my first official post. But I just want to recommend a movie that shows what I think education SHOULD be all about. It's called Paper Clips, and it's about a project undertaken by a middle school in rural Tennessee. It may already sound boring to you, but it's an excellent story, as well as a tear-jerker. (I used more kleenexes on this one than I have in a long time.) I assure you the students who participated in this project did some authentic learning. Good thing they started on it before George was "elected" President.
At January 8, 2007 at 3:57 PM,
Rachel said…
Geez! We make this site so you can take out your anger against the system on the blogosphere instead of on your beloved family and then we end up with touching posts? Where's the fed-up-with-the-man mom I know and love?
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